Black fungus can promote blood circulation pregnant women should not eat

The content of iron in black fungus is extremely rich, which is more than 7 times that of the liver, so eating fungus can nourish the skin and keep the skin ruddy, radiant, and can prevent iron deficiency anemia.


The gum in edible fungus can concentrate the dust and impurities remaining in the human digestive system and excrete it from the body, thus playing a role in clearing the stomach and intestines. At the same time, it also has the special function of assisting in digesting fiber materials. It also has the function of dissolving and decomposing foreign substances such as indigestible hair, chaff, wood residue, sand, and metal shavings. Therefore, it is an indispensable health food for mining, chemical and textile workers. It also has a significant role in the elimination of endogenous foreign bodies such as gallstones and kidney stones.

Black fungus can reduce blood clots, prevent the occurrence of thrombosis and other diseases, there is the role of prevention and treatment of atherosclerosis and coronary heart disease. It contains anti-tumor active substances, can enhance the body's immune system, regular consumption can prevent cancer and cancer.

Pregnant women should not eat more.

Black and white fungus contains roughly the same ingredients, both containing protein, fat, carbohydrates, fiber, colloidal and contain phosphorus, iron, calcium, magnesium, potassium, sulfur and sodium.

Black fungus has nourishing, nourishing stomach, promoting blood circulation, and moistening dryness. It mainly treats uterine bleeding, hemorrhoids, constipation hemorrhage, and diarrhea. Also applies to high blood pressure, constipation and traumatic bleeding.

White fungus has fluid and lungs, nourishing yin and nourishing the stomach, replenishing qi and activating blood, and replenishing the brain. It is clinically used for hyperactivity of cough, cough and blood, dryness and dryness, cough, gastrointestinal dryness, blood constipation, and irregular menstruation. And vascular sclerosis, hypertension embolism.

Although the fungus has so many benefits, but the black fungus is not suitable for pregnant mothers and children to eat, because the black fungus has a small poison, usually have no effect on our body, but it will affect the mother and baby's health.

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