For the sake of beauty, many people have the habit of thrush, not knowing that eyebrows not only affect the appearance but also reflect the health of the body. The Ancient Chinese Medicine reported that eyebrows are also an important part of the clinic. By observing the changes in the eyebrows, we can understand the health of the body. By observing one's eyebrows, we can predict the length of life.
1. Eyebrows are light and easy to live long. Eyebrows with moderate shades tend to become longevity stars.
2. The legendary longevity star has a long eyebrow. The eyebrows are called Baoshou Palace and are related to people's lives. Therefore, folklore's longevity stars often have a pair of long eyebrows, namely "Shou Mei."
3. Eyebrows are tall and long; The ancient book, "The eyebrows hang down long and there is no doubt in high life," is that people with high eyebrows and high sagging eyebrows have no doubt.
4. The thick eyebrows and thick long hairs reflect vigorous blood circulation. The traditional medicine "The Internal Classic" said: "The crush is the blood of the sun; the eyebrows are less bloody." It is also said that the eyebrows are thick, thick, and moist, reflecting the strong blood circulation, strong strength, and longevity.
5. Eyebrows are short and weak. On the contrary, the eyebrows are short and withered, reflecting the lack of blood gas, infirmity and illness, and representing poor health.
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